Bank of India Recruitment 2021 Counsellors Vacancies | Last Date: 17.04.2021

Bank of India Recruitment 2021 03 Counsellors Post Vacancies | Last Date: 17.04.2021

Bank of India Recruitment 2021: Bank of India engages retired Bank Officials for the engagement of Counsellors for FLCCs (Financial Literacy and Credit Counselling Centre) in Nagpur Zone. Moreover, BOI is going to fill 03 vacancies in the districts of Bhandara, Gadchiroli, and Gondia. The appointment will be purely on a contractual basis for a period of one year, during the contract period candidate will get a remuneration of Rs. 18,000 per month. Interested applicants can apply for these Central Govt Bank jobs through offline mode only, the last date for the submission of the application form is 17.04.2021. The application form for BOI recruitment is available on the official website or the direct link to download the application form is given below.

Bank Name Bank of India
Bank of India Recruitment 2021 Counsellors Vacancies | Last Date: 17.04.2021
Official Website

Job Name Counsellors

Total Vacancy 03

Job Location Nagpur (Maharashtra)

Qualification Details:
Qualification: Graduate/post-graduate degree from a UGC-recognized university.

The age of the candidate should not be above 62 years as on 31.03.2021 & he /she should be of sound health. (Candidates above age of 62 years & up to the age of 65 years may be considered with certain terms & conditions as per Bank's discretion).

SAlary Details:
PaySalary Rs. 18,000

Terms and Conditions:
1. Counselor for Financial Literacy and Credit counseling (hereinafter called as Counselor) will be required to work on all Bank working days i.e. 6 days a week (except second & fourth Saturday) for 6 hours per day i.e. 11.00 AM to 5.00 PM. Counselor wilt be expected to devote sufficient time to his duties to enable him to be carried out the assignment efficiently for which he may be required to attend the office OR to be available to perform functions outside these hours and days.

2. The contract will be for an initial period of one year and renewable at the sole discretion of the Bank for a further period on such terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the Bank subject to a maximum age of 65 years and good performance and physical fitness of the Counselor.

3. Counselor may avail a maximum of 12 days leave per calendar year. The leave will be on pro-rata basis i.e. 1 day of leave for every completed month. The Counselor shall not absent himself from duties for a continuous period of more than 3 days. If the Counselor absents him selves from work exceeding the above period, Bank shall within its right to deduct the proportionate amount from the monthly remuneration payable.

4. In connection with the said engagement, the Counselor will be required to visit extensively at various places and for which the Counselor will have to take prior permission of the Bank before the travel to places outside his jurisdiction- present District.

5. Counselor shall at all times do his duties punctually, honestly, faithfully and diligently and devote full time and attention to the functions assigned to him and Shail at all times conduct himself soberly while at work and show courtesy and attention in all transactions and dealings with the persons having any dealings or connections with the bank.

6. Counselor should maintain the strictest secrecy regarding organizational affairs of the Bank and shall not at any time directly or indirectly divulge any information of a confidential nature to any unconcerned or unauthorized person whether in the service of Bank or not. Counselors shall be required to execute a confidentiality agreement with the Bank.

7. Counselor shall not engage in any other job, business, service, trade, or calling during the period of the said contract without express prior permission from the Bank.

8. During the course of the contract, Counselor shall be governed by the terms and conditions contained herein and as may be amended/advised by the Bank from time to time. A counselor will strictly observe, adhere to, obey and abide by the same including instructions, orders, and directions as may be given by the Bank or by person authorized by the Bank from time to time.

9. Counselor shall furnish the present and permanent address and his contact numbers to the Bank and intimate change, if any, from time to time. Counselor will keep official under whose superintendence or control Counselor may be placed, informed before taking any leave.

10. Counselor shall be accountable for all property, books, papers, charts, tools, instruments, equipment which may come in his possession by virtue of this assignment.

11. Counselor under no circumstances shall be treated as an employee of the Bank and will not be entitled to Provident Fund, Pensioner benefits or Gratuity or for any other perquisites of facilities from Bank.

12. Bank shall be within its right to review the performance of the Counselor monthly/quarterly/ half-yearly. If the performance of Counselor found unsatisfactory, Bank shall be within its right may terminate the contract forthwith without any prior notice or any payment in lieu of notice.

Selection Process :
The selection is based on performance in the interview. The decision of the Bank in this regard will be final.

How to apply for Bank of India Recruitment 2021
  • Go to the official website “”
  • In the homepage, click Career-> Engagement of FLC.
  • Find the required notification and click the notification.
  • Read the notification carefully and check the eligibility.
  • The application form is available on the official website.
  • Fill the mandatory fields.
  • Send it to the respective fields.
Important Dates:
Notification Released Date 19.03.2021
Last Date to Submit the Application 17.04.2021

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