CRPF Recruitment 2020 - 1412 Head Constable Vacancies | Apply online

CRPF Recruitment 2020 - 1412 Head Constable Vacancies | Apply online

CRPF Recruitment 2020: Central Reserve Police Force invites online application from serving male/ female constables (General Duty/ Bugler/ Mali/ Painter) of the force for the Group C post of Head Constable (General Duty) in the CRPF through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE)-2019. Recently CRPF has announced the new job notification [R.II.25/2019-Rectt-HC/GD-LDCE)-DA-5] on 07.02.2020 for 1412 vacancies. As per the CRPF Head Constable LDCE notification, these vacancies are allotted for HC (GD) posts. Applicants who are seeking defense jobs can make online registration from 07.02.2020 to 06.03.2020.

Organization Name Central Reserve Police Force

Official website

Job Type Govt Jobs

Job Name Head Constable (General Duty)

No. of Vacancies: 1,412

Category No of vacancies
Male              1331
Female                  81
Total              1412

Job Location Across India

Pay Scale: Rs. 25,500-81,100

Eligibility Criteria for CRPF Constable:

Educational Qualification: 
Applicants should have completed 4 years of service including basic training and should pass 10+2 from a recognized board.

Age Limit:
Maximum 32 years

Selection Process: 
Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of Written Examination and Interview.


Application Fee: Not Mentioned

How to Apply: 

Go to official website
Click “Recruitment” to find the advertisement “Advertisement for HC/GD- LDCE Examination 2019”, click on the advertisement.
Notification will open read it and check Eligibility.
To apply to enter your details correctly and make the payment.
Finally, click the submit button and take the print of the application form.

Important Dates:
Starting Date of Online Application:10-02-2020
Last Date of Online Application:06-03-2020
LDCE Exam date 19.04.2020

Important Links:
Notification Link
Apply Online




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