India Post Office Recruitment 2018 – Apply Online for Various Electrician Posts
Name of the Company: India Post
Official website:
Jobs Type: Central Govt Jobs
No. of Vacancies: Various
Location: Kolkata
Name of the Post:
- Skilled Artisan
- Mechanic
- Electrician
- Blacksmith
- Tyreman
- Painter
- Upholsterer
- Carpenter & Joiner
Candidates who have completed 8th passed with the experience of one year in the respective trade, MV Mechanic should possess a valid Driving License to drive heavy vehicles or equivalent from a recognized Institute for India Post Recruitment 2018.
Age Limit:
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Maximum Age: 30 Years
Pay Scale: Rs. 5,200 – 20,200/- + GP Rs. 1900/-
Selection Procedure:
Trade Test
How to Apply:
Applicants send their hard copies of the signed application Filled along with photocopies of ID proof, Proof of Date of Birth, Educational Certificates (Mark-Sheets/Degree Certificate), Caste and attested copies of relevant documents should be sent to the following address (Address mentioned in official notification) by post. Envelope must be superscribed with “Application For The Post of …………….”
The application should be submitted giving the following bio-data,
Name (In Block Letters)
Father ‘s Name
Post applied for
Permanent Address
Address for correspondence
Date of Birth
Age as on 01.07.2018 (in years, months, days)
Educational Qualification
Technical Qualification/ITI certificate
Technical Experience
Driving Licence (in case of MV Mechanic only)
Details of last employment if any
Any other relevant information
“The Senior Manager,
Mail Motor Services,
139, Beleghata Road,
Important Dates:
Starting Date for Submission of Application: 11.09.2018
Last date for Submission of Application: 10.11.2018
Important Link:
Official Notification: Click
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