Genpact Urgent Recruitment for Freshers and Experienced Candidates: Salary-3,00,000 PA - Apply Online Now

Genpact Urgent Recruitment for Freshers and Experienced Candidates: Salary-3,00,000 PA - Apply Online Now

Company Name: Genpact


Company Profile:

Genpact (NYSE: G) designs, transforms and runs intelligent business operations including those that are complex and specific to a set of chosen industries. Our hundreds of long-term clients include more than one-fourth of the Fortune Global 500. Founded as a division of GE in 1997 and then spun off in 2005, Genpact earned 2014 revenues of $2.28 billion and has more than 67,000 employees in 25 countries, with key management and a corporate office based in New York City.

Job Type: Account Job

Job Role: Accounts Executive/Accountant

Qualification: BCom

Experience: 0 - 5 Years

Salary: Rs: 1,25,000 - 3,00,000 P.A.

Job Location: Across India

Job Details:

Accounts Payable/ PTP/ Procurement.
Accounts Receivable/OTC / Order To Cash.
General Accounting/RTR / Reconciliation.


Good communication Skill is a must.
Proficiency in Excel is preferred.

Documents to Carry:

2 copies of your Resume.
2 passport-size photographs.
Original Government ID Proof.

Shift: Any Shift

Timing: Any Time

Other Details:

Write "Mita" on the top of your CV.
Outstation candidates can mail their updated resume at

Apply Mode: Online

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